
Free Gst Registration | Unlimited Bills Gst Returns

GST Regsitration

GST Registration Consultants in Chennai

GST Registration in (GST REG-01)

We are only Gst Consultant in Chennai to do Free Gst Registration for our customer and Unlimited Bills on Gst Filing. we do it from the beginning when we incorporated, Its small token of Gift to our customers.

Ecfile - Best Gst Consultant in chennai

We are the Best Gst consultant in chennai for Gst Registration Online. There is no charges on number of bills counts for Gst filing. We charge yearly once that too very reasonable Price of Rs.2999 for one year along with Gst billing software and Udyam (MSME) Registration free. Our customers are double delighted with our Rs.500 off on Two Wheeler or car insurance every year at the time of renewal.

Free Consultation


The myth of GST Registration is revealed with step by step demonstartion so that any one can register by yourself to GSTIN portal. Our primary Idea is to educate everyone to know about what is Gst and Gst Returns. We know where people mostly make mistake when they do GST registration, we have analysed the difficult steps and given valuable suggestion to make it easy.

Types of GST Registration:

Regular Taxpayer
Composition Taxpayer
Casual Taxable Person
Non-Resident Taxable Person

To register:
1. Go to "www.gst.gov.in"
2. Click Service and then Click Registraion And then New Registration.
3. Enter all the details and teh most complicated is the legal name,its nothing bjut the name in your pan card. Most of the pan card name will not match because the name the pancard is diffferent from the name in pan database.
4. Select Iam a* "Tax Payer"
5. Select your State
6. Select Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Most of the time your legal name will not match with pan name. To know your name in the pan database you need to login with National Securities Depository Limited here

1.Upload your documents online.
2.Get the GST ARN number in one hour.
3.No personal visit to office.
4.Check status of your application online.
5.Pay after you receive your GST Number.
6.Free GST Billing software
7.Track your invoice on the go.
8.Dedicated executive to file your returns every month.

Documents Required To Register GST Online

1.Passport Photo.
2.Aadhaar Card.
3.Pan Card.
4.Electricity Bill.
5.Property Tax or Rental Agreement.

How to get GST registration

Step By Step Guide to do GST Registration Online.
1.Go To www.gst.gov.in.
2.Click Services In Menu.
3.Go to Registration And Click New Registration.
4.From the Drop Down Iam a , Select your Desired Position( if you are Proprietory, Partnership or Pvt or LLP select TAXPAYER).
5.Fill The Rest of the form.
6.Get Otp in your Mobile and Email and Validate both.
7.Get your Gst TRN number.
8.Proceed and Fill the rest Form To genarate ARN number.

Zero processing fee

we would like to make it simple, you can upload documents, we will process your document and get your gst registration number at free of cost, Our professional will follow-up with GSTN if any query araises, where we can play a major role in getting your GST number.

Any assistance call us 84 700 74 700 or click here

Types of GST Registration:

Regular Taxpayer

This category of GST registration applies to taxpayers operating a business in India. Taxpayers registering for normal taxpayer does not require a deposit and also provided with unlimited validity date.

Composition Taxpayer

To register as a Composition Taxpayer, the individual should enroll under GST Composition Scheme. Taxpayers enrolled under the Composition Scheme can pay a flat GST rate. However, the taxpayer would not be allowed to claim the input tax credit.

Casual Taxable Person

Any taxpayer establishing a stall or seasonal shop shall register under Casual Taxable Person. To register as a casual taxable person, the taxpayer shall pay a deposit equal to the amount of GST liability. The liability should match the active registration periods. The registration remains active for a period of 3 months.

Non-Resident Taxable Person

The category non-resident taxable person applies to individuals located outside of India. The taxpayers can supply taxable goods or services to residents in India only after obtaining registration. To register as a non-resident taxable person, the taxpayer shall pay a deposit equal to the amount of GST liability. The liability should match the active registration periods. The registration remains active for a period of 3 months.



  • 13/1 1st Floor Madhavaram High Road
  • Perambur Sembium Chennai -600011
  • Tamilnadu
  • info@ecfile.in